2015 Landscape Architecure Advocacy Day report
Landscape Architecture Advocacy Day 2015
Advocacy Day 2015 marked our 4th annual contiguous event in the Rotunda at the State Capitol. Landscape Architects from the St. Louis Chapter and Prairie Gateway Chapter met in Jefferson City on February 4 to educate Representatives about our profession. A total of thirteen ASLA members walked our Capitol’s hallways to distribute information and talk with Representatives about the positive economic, social and environmental impact landscape architecture has in our State. This was a pro-active event to help Representatives identify landscape architecture as an allied design profession.
A total of forty-seven Representatives were visited which included thirty-seven House members and ten Senators. By comparison, a total of thirty-eight Representatives were visited last year. Representatives highlighted in yellow were visited last year, so many that we talked to were new contacts.
This year there was no legislation that affected landscape architects or licensure. Our visits were informative and relaxed and provided a great opportunity to get to know our representatives better. We concluded our day with a lunch meeting with our lobbyist, Sam Licklider, and recapped our visits, compared notes and discussed improvements for next year’s event. A follow up conference call will be set up to discuss a future meeting with the Office of Administration to change the language of State of Missouri RFP’s to include landscape architects. Advocacy 2015 was another great event and united landscape architects across the State to advocate for our profession. Thanks and congratulations to everyone involved!