Trustee News
I mentioned after my initial mid-year meeting report, some additional follow-up items to report, so here they are.
Emerging Professionals
A major topic and strategic priority for ASLA is to better engage emerging professionals. The future of our profession is truly in their hands. While there is no one easy answer in keeping young landscape architects involved and a member of ASLA, the fact that it is a priority is already resulting in strategic changes. National ASLA is evaluating membership levels to better transition student members to full members when they graduate. ASLA is also evaluating the most valuable parts of membership for young landscape architects.
Locally, Laura Barrett, our VP of Student Outreach and Emerging Professionals, has done a great job with ideas and strategies for engaging students and emerging professionals.
What can you do? As a senior practitioner or firm leader, encourage your staff to attend ASLA events and become involved with the Chapter. Sometimes it’s hard to get staff away from billable work, but getting time with ASLA is always a good investment.
If you’re a young landscape architect? Just show up! We always love to have new members come to events. I met two new members at the ASLA happy hour last week (sponsored by Landscape Forms). It was great to get a chance to talk with young landscape architects.
Special Recognition for St. Louis
We were thrilled to learn at ASLA mid-year that Walter Metcalfe Jr. was selected to receive an honorary ASLA membership. This is huge honor. Mr. Metcalfe was a driving force behind CityArchRiver and the international design competition that selected landscape architect Michael Van Valkenburgh to lead the Arch project. Mr. Metcalf will be honored by national ASLA at the Annual Meeting in Chicago in November. I want to thank all organizations that provided letters of support toward Mr. Metcalf’s nomination including: the City of St. Louis, Great Rivers Greenway, EW Gateway, Downtown Now, and MVVA. The Chapter is planning an event on Monday, September 21 to honor Mr. Metcalfe locally. Look for details and invites in early August.
Chicago Annual Meeting
Hotels are filling up fast for the ASLA annual meeting in Chicago in November. Be sure to register soon!
As always, you can reach me at 314-265-3178 or [email protected] with any questions or if you need more information.
Stephen Ibendahl
Trustee, St. Louis Chapter of ASLA