Chapter Constitution & Bylaws
Date of Adoption - October 10, 2001



Section 1] The name of this organization shall be the St. Louis Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the Chapter.





Section 1] The purpose of the Chapter shall be the advancement of education and skill in the art of Landscape Architecture and the promotion of the profession of Landscape Architecture as an instrument of service in the public welfare. To this end the Chapter shall seek to effectuate within the Chapter territory the aims and policies of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the Society.


Section 2] For this purpose, the Chapter shall receive and act upon applications for membership and affiliation in the Society from persons whose principal address is within the Chapter’s territory.





Section 1] The territory of the Chapter shall be as determined by the Board of Trustees of the Society. The determined territory is as follows:


All areas within the state of Missouri, east of the 93rd Parallel, with the exception of zip code areas assigned to Springfield, Missouri and adjacent areas. These zip codes include: 65801-65817 and 65890, 65898, 65899, as well as future changes to these existing zip codes based on regional growth.


ASLA members in the affected zip code areas will be assigned to the Prairie Gateway Chapter, however they will have the option to request membership in the St. Louis Chapter of ASLA if they choose by notifying National ASLA Headquarters.





Section 1] Membership in the Chapter shall be consistent with those classifications authorized by the Society.


Section 2] Fellows, Members, and Associates shall be Landscape Architects who hold in good professional standing those same grades of membership, respectively, in the Society and whose principal addresses are located within the territory of the Chapter, or if residing outside of the territory, become affiliated by request or assignment.


Section 3] Honorary Members shall be persons who hold that grade of membership in the Society and whose principal addresses are located within the territory of the Chapter.


Section 4] Honorary Chapter Members shall be persons within the Chapter territory who agree with the Society’s purposes and are so designated by vote of the Chapter Executive Committee. They shall be persons outside of the profession who have significantly furthered Landscape Architecture in the local area.1





Section 1] The Chapter shall admit to affiliation Student Affiliates and Affiliates.


Section 2] Student Affiliates and Affiliates shall be per-sons who hold these forms of affiliation, respectively, with the Society and whose educational institutions or principal addresses, as the case may be, are within the territory of the Chapter.




Section 1] The Chapter shall be administered by an Executive Committee, comprised of the Officers, Trustee, the Chairs of the Chapter’s sections, and such additional members as the Chapter may determine, of whom one shall be an Associate.2


Section 2] The Officers shall be a President, a President-Elect, one or more Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer, each elected for a term of one year and the Immediate Past President. The Immediate Past-President shall serve for one year on the Executive Committee and may serve additional terms upon vote of the Executive Committee.3 The President, President-Elect, Section Chairs, Vice President(s), and Trustee shall be Fellows or Members. Affiliates shall not hold office in a Chapter. 


Section 3] The Trustee shall be elected for a term of three years and shall represent the Chapter on the Society’s Board of Trustees.


Section 4] The at-large members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the Chapter for a term of one year.4


Section 5] The Officers, Trustee and Executive Committee members shall hold office until the election and installation of their successors.





Section 1] A Fellow or Member shall have the right to vote in Chapter elections, on amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws, on the levying of dues and special assessments and on all matters requiring a ballot of the Chapter membership, and he/she shall be eligible to all offices and committees.


Section 2] An Associate shall have the right to vote in Chapter elections, on the levying of dues and special assessments and on all matters requiring a ballot of the Chapter membership, but shall not have the right to vote on amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws, except dues amendments to the Bylaws. Associates shall be eligible to the offices of Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Committee Member, but not President, President-Elect, Vice President or Trustee and shall be eligible to committees as prescribed in the Bylaws.


Section 3] An Honorary Member (or Honorary Chapter Member) shall have no vote and shall not be eligible for office, but may be appointed to committees.


Section 4] A Student Affiliate or Affiliate shall have no vote and shall not be eligible to office, but may be appointed to committees other than the Society’s standing committees and shall have the privilege of attending meetings of the Chapter and of participating therein.





Section 1] The Chapter may collect and administer such funds as may be necessary for the accomplishment of its purposes, and may receive and administer gifts and bequests made for the object of furthering such purposes. 


Section 2] Any proposal for dues or assessment for special purposes shall be submitted in writing to the membership for their vote. At the expiration of sixty days thereafter, the proposal shall be recorded and adopted by the Chapter if the proposal shall have been approved by two-thirds of the ballots returned.


Section 3] No funds of the Chapter shall inure to the benefit of any person whomsoever.


Section 4] In the event of the disbandment of the Chapter, its property and funds shall become the property and funds of the American Society of Landscape Architects (See ASLA Bylaws, Article 7, Section 714.)





Section 1] There shall be an annual meeting of the Chapter in December of each year, at a time and place determined by the Executive Committee.


Section 2] Other meetings of the Chapter may be called by the President, or shall be called on petition signed by at least two-tenths of the membership within 30 days of the date of petition.


Section 3] A quorum at any duly called meeting of the Chapter shall consist of ten Fellows, Members, and Associates, but no vote passed at any Chapter meeting shall have any force, beyond expressing the collective judgment of those present, until such vote shall have been approved by the Executive Committee or by a mail ballot of the Chapter.





Section 1] The Chapter shall formulate and adopt all Bylaws as may be proper and necessary for administration of the Chapter in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society.




Section 1] Any proposed amendment to this Constitution or its Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to all the Fellows and Members after having been approved by the Executive Committee, except that proposals on dues amendment to the Bylaws shall also be submitted to Associates. At the expiration of 30 days thereafter the amendment shall be recorded as adopted by vote of the Chapter, provided it shall have been approved by two-thirds of all the ballots returned.


Section 2] No part of this Constitution or its Bylaws shall be in conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society. Whenever the Society’s Constitution and Bylaws are amended, this Constitution and its Bylaws shall also be amended in conformity therewith if necessary. 




1. If this provision is used, insert additional wording shown parenthetically in Article VII, Section 3, of the Chapter Constitution, and additional wording shown parenthetically in Article II, Section 207, of the Chapter Bylaws.

2. While the election of two at large members of the Executive Committee is normal practice, three may be desirable for geographical or other reasons, or small Chapters may omit them entirely.

3. Instead of having a President-elect and a separate Vice President, the two offices may be combined as Vice President/ President-elect, merely President-elect, or the designation of President-elect may be omitted to allow for re-election of the President to a second consecutive one year term.

4. This Section should be omitted if no at large members are included in Section I.








Section 101] Professional membership in the Society shall be extended to landscape architects whose ability, attainments, aims and character will promote the purposes of the Society and who, through appropriate academic training and professional experience, have met the standards for membership established by the Board of Trustees. The different levels of membership are: Full Member, Associate Member, and International Member.


Section 102] To be in good professional standing, Full Members, Associates and International Members shall uphold the Society's Code and Guidelines for Professional Conduct and shall not be in arrears in dues or financial obligation to the Society or a Chapter. 


Application Procedure


Section 103] A candidate for any membership category in the Society, except Honorary Member, shall complete and submit an official application form to the National Headquarters of the Society for review. 


Section 104] The application form shall be accompanied by the national and chapter dues for the first year as required by these Bylaws. 


Section 105] Upon receipt of an application, National Headquarters will ascertain that the form is complete and that dues for the first year are paid. Incomplete forms will be returned to the candidate for correction. 




Section 107] The Secretary shall place on the Chapter roster all Fellows, Members, Associates, and Affiliates who move into the Chapter’s territory and shall confirm this action by written notice to the Society’s administrative headquarters.


Section 108] A Fellow, Member, Associate, or Affiliate whose principal address adjoins the Chapter territory may transfer to the Chapter upon written request to and approval by the Chapter President and Executive Committee and with the concurrence of the President and Executive Committee of the losing Chapter.


Removal from Chapter Roster


Section 109] A Fellow, Member, Associate, or Affiliate who resigns from the Society, or is dropped for non-payment of dues, or is terminated, shall be removed from the Chapter roster upon notification by the administrative headquarters of the Society.





Section 201] The annual Chapter dues for each Fellow, Member and Associate shall be:Members - $60 annually, Associates - $50 annually.*


Section 202] The annual Chapter dues for each Affiliate shall be: Affiliates - $70 annually.*

*May be expressed as a percentage of national dues, in which case chapter dues are automatically raised when national dues are raised, or they may be set as a fee amount. 


Section 203] Student Affiliates shall be exempt from Chapter dues.


Section 204] The Chapter fiscal year shall correspond to the National fiscal year which is from October 1 to September 30.


Section 205] Chapter dues shall be collected by National Headquarters and rebated to the Chapter. (See ASLA Bylaws, Article 6 Section 606.)


Section 206] Special assessments may be collected by the Chapter Treasurer after ballot approval by two-thirds of all Fellows, Members and Associates. 


Waiver of Dues


Section 207] Any Fellow or Full Member certified by the Society’s administrative headquarters for Emeritus status, and Honorary Member (or Honorary Chapter Member) shall be exempt from dues.


Section 209] Any Fellow, Full Member or Associate Member approved for Temporary Limited Status by the Executive Committee in accordance with the Society’s Bylaws shall pay dues at one-half rates. Temporary Limited Status shall be effective for the current fiscal year but may be extended upon annual re-certification.


Section 210] Any Fellow, Full Member, Associate Member, or Affiliate who transfers to the Chapter and has paid dues for that fiscal year to a former Chapter, shall be exempt from dues for that fiscal year.


Section 211] In cases of hardship, disability, or other special consideration, a request for waiver of current dues may be made. All such requests shall be referred to the Chapter President who shall make a recommendation to National Headquarters which shall make a decision. Continuation of waiver must be re-certified by the Chapter President and approved by National Headquarters.





Section 301] The President (or if absent, the President-Elect) shall: call and preside at all business meetings of the Chapter and Executive Committee; appoint personnel for all committees, and report such appointments to the Executive Committee; determine the closing date for any mail ballots; and perform such duties as are customary to the office or may be assigned by the Executive Committee. 


Section 302] The President-Elect shall: assist the President and act in that capacity during the President’s absence, and shall perform such other duties as are customary to the office or as may be assigned by the Executive Committee. 


Section 303] The Vice President shall: be charged with preparing the programs for the Chapter’s meetings; assist the President; and perform such other duties as are customary to the office or may be assigned to him by the Executive Committee.


Section 304] The Secretary shall: keep a record of all proceedings of the Chapter and Executive Committee; notify candidates of their election to office; issue all notices, including the presentation for mail ballot vote; maintain and keep current the Constitution and Bylaws; maintain the Chapter’s roster; maintain communication with the Society’s administrative headquarters; and perform such other duties as are customary to the office or as may be assigned by the Executive Committee.


Section 305] The Treasurer shall: collect dues, fees and other monies; be the custodian of all Chapter funds and disburse them only as authorized by the Executive Committee; keep the accounts and present financial reports to the Executive Committee periodically and at such other times as requested by the President; publish to the Chapter an annual financial statement near the end of the fiscal year; and perform such other duties as are customary to the office or as may be assigned by the Executive Committee.


Section 306] The Trustee shall: represent the Chapter on the Society’s Board of Trustees; present the Executive Committee’s recommendations or proposals to the Board of Trustees; keep the Executive Committee informed of policies instituted by the Board of Trustees; and perform such other duties as are customary to the office of Trustee or as may be assigned by the Executive Committee.


Section 307] The Executive Committee shall: consider, report and act on the business and policies of the Chapter; put into effect the votes of the membership; be the custodian of Chapter property; adopt the budget and authorize expenditures; approve nominees for office; create and abolish committees, and perform such other administrative functions as are customary of it or as may be assigned to it by the Chapter membership or Society’s Board of Trustees.


Meetings and Voting


Section 308] Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President as frequently as the accumulation of business to be transacted may demand, and at places and times to be determined.


Section 309] A member of the Executive Committee who cannot attend a meeting may give proxy to another member of the Executive Committee.


Section 310] A majority present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting.


Section 311] Voting may be conducted by mail, telegram or telephone, the results of which shall be reported and recorded at the next meeting.




Section 312] The Officers shall each report on their responsibilities and the activities of the Chapter at the annual meeting. Their reports shall be published to the Chapter.


Section 313] At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Executive Committee shall submit to the Society’s Executive Committee a summary of the important events of the past year in the activity of the Chapter and a year end financial report and any recommendations that the Chapter may wish to make for consideration by the Society’s Board of Trustees.


Section 314] Notices of all meetings of the Chapter shall be mailed not less than 15 days in advance of all meetings.






Section 401] No later than 150 days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Society each year, the Secretary shall mail to each Fellow, Full Member and Associate Member a list of the then Officers, Trustee and Executive Committee Members with an indication of the dates of expiration of their several terms. The Secretary shall invite suggestions for nominees to such vacancies as will occur to be submitted to the Nominating Committee. This may be accomplished by publishing an appropriate notice in the Chapter Newsletter.


Section 402] Thirty days after the mailing of the Secretary’s invitation, the Nominating Committee shall consider the suggestions submitted and prepare a slate of nominees for each vacancy. The completed slate, with all acceptances received from the nominees, shall be furnished to the President no later than 90 days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Society, and he/she shall then submit the slate to the Executive Committee for approval.


Section 403] The Secretary shall send to the membership at least 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Society an election ballot bearing the names of the candidates and with spaces for write-in votes for each office. The polls shall be closed 30 days following mailing of the ballots, and no ballot shall be counted which is received after midnight, 30 days following mailing of the ballot.


Section 404] The candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared elected, provided that if there be a tie in the number of votes cast for any office the Executive Committee shall declare by majority vote one of the candidates elected. The results of the election shall be announced at the next Chapter meeting and published to the Chapter. Those elected shall attend any Executive Committee meeting held between their election and formal assumption of office to facilitate the transition and a smooth transfer of responsibilities.


Section 405] The terms of the Chapter Trustee and the Chapter Officers shall begin when the President of the Society is installed during the Annual Meeting of the Society.


Section 406] Should a vacancy occur during the term of the President, the President-Elect shall succeed to that office. Should a vacancy occur during the term of the Chapter Trustee more than one year before its end, the vacancy shall be filled by majority vote of the Chapter for the balance of the term. Should such vacancy occur less than one year before the term’s end, the President of the Chapter shall appoint a Trustee for the balance of the term. A vacancy occurring in the term of any other office shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee for the balance of the term. Should a vacancy occur in an office subsequent to an election but prior to actual assumption of the office by the person elected, the former candidate for that office who had received the next highest number of votes shall automatically become the person elected for that office. If this person in turn, should be unable or unwilling to assume the office, the Executive Committee shall fill the vacancy by a majority vote. The Executive Committee of the Chapter may act for a Chapter Officer or cause appropriate action to be taken, when the failure of a Chapter Officer to act results in, or may result in, an adverse impact upon the Chapter.




Section 501] The President shall make all appointments and fill all vacancies to standing committees and other committees established by the Executive Committee and designate the chairs thereof subject to approval by the Executive Committee.


Section 502] The President-Elect shall determine prior to assumption of office, proposed appointments to committees and designation of chairs thereof, and submit their names to the Executive Committee for approval.


Section 503] Terms of appointment to standing committees shall be for one year, expiring at the Annual Meeting when the President-Elect becomes President; length of terms of appointment of other committees shall be as designated by the Executive Committee. However, the committee members and chairs shall continue in their duties should their replacements be unable or fail to assume the duties.


Standing Committees


Section 504] Nominating Committee - The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members, of whom one shall be the Immediate Past President, if available, and another may be an Associate. It shall be their duty to present a slate of nominees for each elected office of the Chapter as prescribed in Article IV of these Bylaws.


Section 505] Committee of Tellers - The Committee of Tellers shall consist of three members, one of whom shall be an Associate. They shall count election ballots and other mail ballots, submitted to the Chapter membership. The chair shall submit a written report on the results of each ballot to the President with a copy to the Secretary.


Section 506] Committee on Constitution and Bylaws - The Committee on Constitution and Bylaws shall consist of three members, one of whom shall be the Secretary. They shall draft changes in the Chapter’s Constitution and Bylaws requested by the Executive Committee or as may be desirable and also as may be necessary for consistency with the Society’s Constitution and Bylaws.


Section 507] Committee on Student Organizations - A standing committee shall be appointed to advise and assist student organizations, if there are Student Affiliates at educational institutions within the territory of the Chapter.





Section 601] Upon a petition signed by two-thirds (2/3) of the Full Members and Associate Members with principal addresses in a city or specific area with in the territory of a Chapter and approval of the petition by the Chapter Executive Committee, the Society’s Executive Committee may create a Chapter Section provided that fifteen (15) or more Fellows, Full Members and/or Associates Members located in a city or other specific area within the larger territory of the Chapter may be organized as a Section upon approval of the Chapter Executive Committee and Society’s Executive Committee.


Section 602] The name of the Section shall be determined by the Chapter Executive Committee in accordance with the Society’s requirements.


Section 603] Each Section shall have a chair and other officers as deemed necessary to conduct Section business. They shall be elected by the Section from among its members at a time coincidental with the time of election of Chapter officers.


Section 604] Authority and administrative responsibility for the Section shall remain vested in the Chapter Executive Committee.





Section 701] The Chapter may sponsor the activities of a Student Chapter chartered by the Society, or any other Landscape Architectural Student organization, at educational institutions within the territory of the Chapter.




Section 801] The Executive Committee may issue in behalf of the Chapter public statements on policies or matters of concern to the membership that affect the profession of Landscape Architecture and the well-being of the public in addition to those that effect the direct interests of the Chapter or Society.


Section 802] The Executive Committee shall not issue any public statement contrary to a policy of the Society or purporting to have the approval of the Society without first obtaining the written consent of the President of the Society.


Section 803] A Fellow, Full Member, Associate Member, or Affiliate of the Chapter shall not issue any public statement in behalf of the Chapter or Society or purporting to have the approval of the Chapter or Society except when authorized by the President of the Chapter and the President of the Society.



Section 901] These bylaws, as revised, supercede all provision of any previous bylaws of this Association.



October 10, 2001

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