ASLA Members just received this alert from our President, Jonathan Mueller FASLA.
"Act Now: House Eliminating Transportation Enhancements
Take Action!
Other Critical Transportation Programs also on the Chopping Block
Dear Advocates,
Today, House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman John Mica (FL) announced that he will introduce a multi-year surface transportation bill that eliminates all dedicated funding for biking and walking programs including the Transportation Enhancements (TE), Safe Routes To School and Recreational Trails programs.
Now is the time to tell your legislators not to eliminate these programs that create cost-efficient transportation options for all Americans and provides important jobs for landscape architects, many of whom are part of small businesses.
Please take a moment and click TAKE ACTION to send your legislators a message about continuing the Transportation Enhancements and other critical transportation programs. Please take some additional time to highlight how your local community would benefit from these types of transportation projects.
As Congress begins to move Chairman Mica’s transportation bill forward, it is imperative that we demonstrate to lawmakers how well-designed transportation projects provide important, safe transportation options for all users and create jobs and other local economic development.
We Need Your Help Today!
Jonathan Mueller, FASLA
American Society of Landscape Architects
For more on transportation enhancements and ASLA Advocacy"