Scroll to bottom of page for complete schedule and updated info from our L.A.R.E. Review instructor Eric Gilbey, RLA.
Prepare for the LARE by attending a two-day study review session. Attendees will be given sample problems from the graphic and multiple choice sections of the exam. Mock exams will be performed.
Instructor: Eric Gilbey, RLA ASLA
Session One (Exam Sections C, E): Sunday April 20 (8-5)
Session Two (Exam Sections A, B, D): Monday April 21 (8-Noon)
Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB)
1831 Chestnut St.
Suite 700
St. Louis, MO 63103
In the Blue Cross / Anthem building located across from Union Station (a MetroLink train stop)
on-line at www.stlouisasla.org/cscregistration
(The session is limited to 30 people)
Deadline: 5p April 4, 2008
Both Sessions: ASLA Members: $160
One Session: ASLA Members: $80
Both Sessions plus Central States Conference (Full 3-days): $200
Included: Review Session, associated practice materials.
Materials Needed
We suggest attendees to bring materials such as roller ruler or straight edge, trace paper, pencils, black felt tip pens, scales (architectural and civil), calculator, erasers, and some 11x17 plain paper.
Questions Contact
Eric Gilbey, RLA (p. 443.542.0658) [email protected]
Landscape Architecture Industry Specialist
Vectorworks by Nemetschek North America
H. Lenn Miller, RLA (p. 314.206.4313) [email protected]
LARE Review Information
Copyright 2008
St Louis Regional Chapter - ASLA
Please print the following for your reference:
April 2008 LARE Review Session Information Update
Below you will find information about meals, directions and what tools to bring to the review session.
Light breakfast food will be provided such as pastries, and coffee. You are welcome to bring something for yourself (breakfast, drinks, or snacks) as well.
A Food Court is located in Union Station (within 5 minute walking distance). With the variety of choices in this food court, and food preference is sure to be satisfied. We will have approximately an hour to break for lunch, so be sure to plan your lunch choice accordingly.
Forthcoming�but the address of the location is: 1831 Chestnut Street, Ste. 700 St Louis, Missouri 63103-2225
Overnight Stay?:
If you are planning to stay overnight and do not have reservations yet, do not wait until you arrive to do this, as many places are booked for all or part of the weekend.
Tool Bag:
If you are participating in Section A, B & D Review, be sure to bring the following
____ Pencils/erasers
____ Calculator
____ LARE Reference Manual print out from (attached)
____ Multiple Choice Orientation Guide print out from (attached)
____ Pre-Exam Orientation Info* print out from (attached)
If you are participating in Section C & E Review, be sure to bring drafting tools that you would plan to bring to take the actual exam. A list of suggested equipment follows.
____ Scales (Architects and Engineers)
____ Triangle/templates/straight edges, etc.
____ Drafting tape (dots)
____ Pencils (varied widths/hardness)
____ Black ink markers (optional)
____ Highlighter
____ Rollerbar (optional)
____ Calculator
____ Snacks (if you need to munch...)
____ Trace paper
____ Electric eraser/extension cord (optional - may or may not be convenient to plug in)
____ LARE Reference Manual print out from (attached)
____ Pre-Exam Orientation Info* print out from (attached)
The best resource for anything related to the exam is the CLARB website:
http://www.clarb.org They update the website regularly, and it is extremely useful information. The materials are downloadable in .pdf format and include the specifications for the exam, the LARE Reference Manual, Pre-Exam Orientation Information, LARE Multiple Choice Orientation Guide, as well as the opportunity to order diagnostic vignettes and a multiple-choice practice test. Let me know if you have any questions. I will be traveling Saturday to get to St Louis and can be reached
by my cell phone 614-557-4249.
Complete Schedule
Sunday � April 20 - Graphic Sections
7:30am-8:00am Arrive for proximate parking (See update)
7:30am-8:00am Check-in
8:00am-9:30am LARE Orientation & Sections C & E Overview
9:30am-12:30pm Section C Mock Exam Admin. & Evaluation
12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm-4:30pm Section E Mock Exam Admin. & Evaluation
4:30pm-5:00pm Graphic Section Wrap-up
Monday � April 21 � Multiple Choice Sections
7:30am-8:00am Arrive for proximate parking (See update)
7:30am-8:00am Check-in
8:00am-9:00am Sections A, B & D Overview
9:00am-10:00am Section A Review/Mock Exam Administered
10:00am-11:00am Section B Review/Mock Exam Administered
11:00am-12:00pm Section D Review/Mock Exam Administered
12:00pm-12:30pm Review Session Wrap-up
Note: The administration of the Multiple Choice Mock Exams usuallyoccurs faster than the hour allotted. It is more likely that we will be finished by 12noon.